About Maritime UK
Maritime UK is the umbrella body for the maritime sector, bringing together the shipping, ports, services, engineering and leisure marine industries. Its purpose is to champion and enable a thriving maritime sector. Supporting over 1 million jobs and adding £46.1bn to our economy, maritime is responsible for facilitating 95% of UK global trade, worth over £500bn per year.The Commission’s job is to:
- Understand the skills needs of the sector, including the effects of technological change, and to make recommendations for action
- Ensure that no part of the sector suffers from serious skills shortages or skills gaps
- Ensure that the sector has the apprenticeships and qualifications it needs
- Ensure the sector has the training provision it needs, (including the use of technology to engage learners and keep costs down)
- Provide employees and employers with clear information about career paths and re-training options
- Promote maritime careers so that employers have good quality recruits for their vacancies
- Increase exports of maritime education and training
- The Commission will report jointly to the Maritime Minister and to Maritime UK’s National Council.